Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 days post op!!

Well actually at this time...I was still being operated on.
Dr. appt went fine took some x-rays and put elastics in the front teeth while the rest is still wired.
I barely feel numb anywhere but under my left eye and left part of my chin..oh well.
Having trouble sleeping again , but at least i can lay on my side now which is one step closer to being allowed to sleep face down as I usually sleep. oh and great news: i can stop with the antibiotics now!!!!!!
i now lost 12lbs so thats a total of -6 from the 6 lbs i put on for the surgery... i dont feel particularly skinny i feel kind of soft i like my body more toned. I cant wait to exercise soon!
ill add pics later.


  1. Hey, my name is Rita, nice to meet you. I had my surgery 7 weeks ago and still can't sleep on my face. It just hurts too much. I am glad you are doing well. Hang in there. : )

  2. Hello! You're pictures look great. I am at my 3rd day post-op and so far everything is going well. I feel your pain on the sleeping upright part. The most I've slept is about 4 hours at a time. I wake up and my back and neck hurt really badly, but once I walk around a bit and take a shower, it seems to help. How long do you have to be wired shut for? Keep your chin up! You're looking great. My thoughts are prayers are with you. ~Katherine

  3. Thanks for following guys I answered back in your respective blogs I m not quite sure if thats how it works..I will be following your progress!
