Tuesday, May 26, 2009

6 days post!

I tried to show how my teeth touch but its still hard for me to open wide obviousely. Dont worry my teeth are clean
Also decided ( a bit late) to start taking profile pics (I actually think i have some in my bf's camera I'll try to post that later). The dr. said this where most of the difference will be seen... still a bit too swollen for me you can see the marks where the screws were put in...

sooo.....today i had my first full night!!! (12-630am) I went back to sleep until 1030 but still i usually wake up for like an hour and do not know what do do with myself
Also, I had ensure for breakfast -im actually drinking it now- and it looks like its staying down!!!
Im going to attempt going to a movie later this afternoon, depending on how courageous i feel to show my face outside
Im starting a list of things i m looking forward to eat ( i know perhaps not the best thing to do so early but i do not want to forget):
1- lasagna
2-subway sandwish (believe it or not)
3-mcdonalds fries
6-poundcake lol

thats all i can think of now lol
Also weird is that i can actually move my jaw a bit and hear them touch at random spots
its the weirdest thing and its almost scary i hope this is normal. I ll talk to the Dr. about it tomorow. I actually dont mind being wired longer...weirdly enough

my lips touch themselves all the time and although i dont have full control of them yet i have noticed a lot less drooling! I aslo havent taken any pain meds for a while it feels like but i feel good. I move my lips and make silly faces to sort of exercise them. I would like to be unwired to clean the inside of my teeth tho its kind of gross but i do gargle and all that fun stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh Subway Sandwich~ I'll take a Steak & Cheese toasted on wheat, everything on it and Southwest Chipolte sauce... Oh man, you're killing me lol!

    Great to catch up on your progress so far and you're doing awesome! 9 hours, good night that's a long surgery! Are you WIRED, wired or the tight elastic band-wired?

    Congrats on the full nights' sleep:)
