Monday, May 25, 2009

5 days post op

haha Im winking on that one...
me today

So...woke up twice in the middle of the night with the urge to throw up. My head was spinning so much i could barely stand up, Thank god for the Dr. medicine it made it go away :) (and made me pass out like a baby for a long time). Taking my antibiotics today is going to be the mission, as nausea has come back to hunt me: im supposed to take the liquid bublegum (or whatever the pink flavoring is) 4 times a day on an empty stomach. and this is nearly impossible as when i take it on empty stomach nausea comes back and the antibiotic is gone to waste i try to take it in between my sips arg I CANT WAIT TO EAT REAL FOOD AGAIN.
I lost 7 lbs in 2 days . I thougth this would be great but im soooo weak and my face is sooooo big that i just dont care Id rather be obese and not deal with a wired jaw.
Another thing that bothers me: yawning is a mission, my mouth wants to open really wide but i cant so it hurts/feels weird a lot.
I think this is the last layer of skin that is peeling of my lips and i feel as if i have more control over them (they actually touch!) but im still very swollen . i think my right side is less swollen that my left side but both are still very swollen. another weird thing i wake up everymorning with an extremely shiny face even thought i clean it everynight im guessing it comes from the swelling stuff.
I dont know what im going to do with all the ensure/boost because i dont think ill be able to drink this one day again ill give it another try tonight but ugh i just do not want to puke again.

I have an appointment on wed to see how everything is going im hopping the swelling will have gone down but according to most blog it really starts to go down around the 10th day...i guess im halfway there. I also havent taken any pain meds, i mean it hurts but the nausea is not worth it. I wish i could swallow pills again. I really wana try to exercise but i know thats a disaster waiting to happen I also cannot wait to brush my teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think thats all for now im going to go try to rinse my mouth and take nap...see ya!


  1.'re being so strong! i can't imagine the pain, but i pray for you everyday and i can't wait to see you...remember what my mommy said ;o) bisous!

  2. aww Ash you made my night!

  3. ahh the swelling has gone down so much in 5 days that is amazing! You're going to look amazing. Everyone says that it is more than worth it in the end! If it makes you feel any better I am so jealous of you!

  4. i'm so sorry you're having problems with nausea. sounds like you are on phenigrine to help curb that-- good stuff =) makes for some good naps. i have no idea how you are coping without the pain meds. you must have such a high pain tolerance!

    my face is abnormally shiny, too! i noticed it but just thought that i was extra greasy, lol. wonder what that is from?
